The 4 Most Baffling Career-Themed Barbie Dolls

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The topic of 's age was brought up multiple times during , with no doll being able to provide an answer until Barbie told them at the end of the episode. However, if you have some basket-case Barbies you want to fix up for your collection, or even for sale if you make full disclosures, then the following tips are invaluable to help you fix up your dolls! Barbie Club There is an exclusive Barbie club which, while having a large following, has only two actual members, one of whom is the notorious Rasta Jesus.

And we're not entirely sure Newborn Baby Doctor is even in a hospital. An evil witch casts a spell on Rapunzel and Stefan that turns Stefan to stone and strips their castle of all its glory.

Barbie as Rapunzel CD-ROM - After Barbies career as an escort ended she was diagnosed with the std shpiagonnaherpalitis and suckadickitis of the throat, ass, and mouth.

Description For Raquelle, excess defines her posh lifestyle. She is very self-centered and loves looking at herself more than anything. Roughing it is not having a butler. The only thing to put a crack in her diamond sheen is Barbie. She dreams of catching her Malibu neighbor in a fashion fail and posting the pics on the web. Raquelle envies Barbie's fame and friendliness and often tries to show to other characters that she is better, and usually fails. She is the more clever or devious sibling and will often use her brother's crush on Barbie as a method to get him to do things for her. She has yet to fully interact with and. She sarcastically comments on Midge's finicky needs in. Raquelle goes so far as to lie about her feelings towards Barbie to prove to Summer that she is the better friend. The two may have possibly made up following their harassment by the. It is also pronounced the same way. This is the first and only time Raquelle is called a name that is not Raquelle. Raquelle crushing on who loves is similar to Ann crushing on who loves and Ryan crushing on Barbie who loves Ken is similar to Alan crushing on Serena who loves Darian. This fact about the two being siblings in love with the a person who is in a couple to the other sibling loving the other one going out with that person as the opposite sex may or may not be a reference to that.


Barbie is notorious for her apparent lack of nipples and female genitalia. If you don't feed the doll Jenny Craig food it stretches and gets bigger until it bursts. Method The method involves putting some snags onto the the BBQ and letting them sit there for at least an hour. When Barbera died, Klaus changed the name of the doll to Just Barbie, a cheers to his little self. Here is how to fix bad gams on your Barbie. It looks like a magical British nursery.